

Rare earth raw material prices sagging stocks

This year, a strong rare earth market has been hot plate focus.  But recent news of a rare earth stocks showing a sluggish trend.  Recently, the Australian mining company, said China's domestic prices of some rare earth metals in early July the chain fell 7.2%.  Analysts said this country after a serious speculators artificially high price, now or in part to leave.  And yesterday's A-share market, with the Baotou Rare Earth (600 111), colored Rising (600 259), and Baotou Steel shares (600,010) shares led the congregation also among the rare drop list in the forefront, seems to confirm this view. 

 Data show that rare-earth price gains this year, amazing.  May dysprosium oxide which has increased from more than 220%, and europium oxide (mainly used for phosphor) to 2 yuan / kg, up 571.4 percent compared with the beginning.  In addition, rare earth neodymium oxide benchmark products (mainly used for NdFeB magnets) has reached 1.299 million yuan / ton, up 397.7 percent over the beginning.  It is so amazing rise to support the rare earth market stocks fell even in the way is still very strong, attracting the attention of many investors. 

"Prior to serious inflated price of rare earth, some speculators deliberately reported high, price is not a lot of turnover, while the number of speculators have now lowered the price, it should be said there have been increases in the prices of rare earth signs of slowing down." There are people who are familiar with the industry bluntly, "This year, the price of different varieties of rare earth were up 1-4 times, since the rare-earth prices soared this year, speculators have been cashing in full, and now the overall tightening of the financial side, some speculators, or want to leave, then transfer Low price rush shots. " 

 It is understood that the rare earth production is almost entirely located within China, the world's reserves accounted for 2 / 3, the other 1 / 3 are located in the former Soviet Union, the United States and Australia. Rare is the modern mobile phone with advanced communication equipment essential materials. Among the 17 kinds of rare earth elements, Chinese production accounted for 97% of the world, these metals can be used to manufacture high-tech products, such as electric cars, flat-panel TVs, iPad, missiles, wind turbines and so on. The 17 elements of its rarity and value, sometimes called "21st century gold." 

 Recently the media reported that Japanese scientists discovered the Pacific Ocean mud deposits of rare earth, rare earth reserves is 1,000 times the land, this earth that will challenge China's advantage. The idea is that there may be so rare, "not rare", the message has become one of the factors of rare earth prices.  To solve this problem, but analysts said, speculators began to leave, the price decline has occurred, China rare earth market will not face the danger of collapse, because the market demand does not change, while the national macro-control policy for the export of rare earth and will not relax.  "But early or too large for the stocks of short-term trend of rare earth actually deserves vigilance." Another market analyzed. 
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